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How we collaborated
After several years of roaming supper clubs, Fat Macy’s ran a crowdfunder to create a permanent home that would serve both as a restaurant and social impact hub. Supply Change was brought onto the project to identify opportunities to improve the existing supply chain, increase social impact and connect with social suppliers.
Supply Change identified and reviewed the areas of trade required within the budget allocated. Through consultation, we identified what level of verification and checks Fat Macy’s needed and ensured all the suppliers put forward met those requirements. The end result was a thorough list of pre-vetted and relevant social suppliers Fat Macy’s could procure for their project. All Fat Macy’s had to do was decide, and we facilitated the introductions. Supply Change were also able to build a measurement framework that would allow Fat Macy’s to monitor the ongoing value of chosen suppliers.

Procuring social suppliers for a new restaurant space by Fat Macy's
Fat Macy’s is a social enterprise committed to providing opportunities for young Londoners living in homeless hostel accommodation. They train up hostel residents at their two restaurant sites in London in hospitality and culinary skills. Their unique framework gives trainees the opportunity overcome the financial barriers preventing them from moving into their own home, whilst gaining valuable work experience and giving them the confidence to challenge the perception of homelessness.

What is social procurement?
Social procurement creates better outcomes for society, the environment and your business. It prioritises social and environmental outcomes alongside financial factors. Social supply chains include suppliers who deliver services and impact.
Social procurement is now part of UK Government legislation. £300 billion of expenditure must now include a social value evaluation. Leaders in the private sector are also adopting a similar strategy.