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Creating a social value event for Hogan Lovells and their network
In collaboration with Hogan Lovells, Supply Change produced and delivered an event which gathered the government, legal and public sector to share insights on how to best capitalise on the opportunity that has arisen from the new Social Value Model. The event was delivered remotely. Talks were led by Claire Dove CBE, Crown Representative for the VCSE sector whilst Ciara Kennedy-Loest, a partner on Competition, Public & EU Law at Hogan Lovells, ran through policy notes and regulations created in recent years, with input from experts such as Alison Wilson, Director of Commercial at the Met Office.
Over 100 people attended, including 16 social enterprises, 29 different buyers and 91 suppliers.

What is social procurement?
Social procurement creates better outcomes for society, the environment and your business. It prioritises social and environmental outcomes alongside financial factors. Social supply chains include suppliers who deliver services and impact.
Social procurement is now part of UK Government legislation. £300 billion of expenditure must now include a social value evaluation. Leaders in the private sector are also adopting a similar strategy.