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Supply Change has teamed up with Orbit Group to develop a first-of-its-kind purchasing platform for Voluntary, Charitable and Social Enterprises (VCSEs). The open-access platform allows organisations to access contract opportunities that deliver social impact.

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In partnership with

orbit building communities

What is a DPS?

dynamic purchasing system box

A DPS is a system that buyers can use to purchase goods and services for their organisations.

finding social suppliers

Supply Change and Orbit have set up this DPS so that buyers can source these goods and services from suppliers who can deliver quality and a positive impact.

dynamic purchasing system uk law

The DPS has been set up to ensure it is compliant with UK procurement legislation.

Why use the DPS


  • Register quickly with a one-time approval process

  • Reach new small and medium contract opportunities

  • Find opportunities specifically for VCSEs 

  • See tenders that wouldn’t usually be publicly advertised

  • Find and apply for tenders in one place

win contracts vcse social enterprise
platform for supply chain sustainability


  • Discover a new world of social suppliers

  • Create impact from ad-hoc or lower value spend

  • Remove the complexity from purchasing with an all-in-one solution

  • Purchase in compliance with UK procurement legislation

Case Study: Growing income and impact with the first VCSE-only DPS

Clear Voice Interpreting Services were one of the first suppliers to take advantage of the first-of-its-kind purchasing platform, which helped them grow their income, save time and deliver more impact.

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How to use the DPS

Suppliers can apply to join the DPS by registering interest and completing an online questionnaire.

Questionnaires are then evaluated by Supply Change. If approved, the supplier can bid for suitable contracts on the DPS.


Contact us if you are a supplier with questions about the DPS.

Buyers can find out more about using the DPS by contacting


Once registered, buyers send an invitation to tender via the DPS to all suppliers within a specific category.

Buyers can use their own invitation to tender form or our template here.

How to use the DPS

What products and services are available on the DPS

The DPS is broken down into Lots as follows:

Lot 1.  Cleaning Services and Products
Lot 2.  Office services and supplies
Lot 3.  Language services
Lot 4.  Furniture
Lot 5.  Education and Training
Lot 6.  Wellbeing services
Lot 7.  Health and Safety
Lot 8.  Clothing services
Lot 9.  Minor Building works
Lot 10. Grounds Maintenance
Lot 11. Refuse, Waste, Recycling & Re-use


Lot 12. Flooring
Lot 13. Woodwork
Lot 14. Promotional items and Gifts
Lot 15. Food and Drink
Lot 16. House Clearances / Removals
Lot 17. Signage
Lot 18. Vouchers
Lot 19. IT Supplies & services
Lot 20. Consultancy services
Lot 21. Other Goods Services & Works

DPS Lots
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The Social Procurement Round Up

The Social Procurement Round-up keeps those motivated by impact in business up to date with the latest in social enterprise, sustainability and CSR.

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