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Upcoming events for impact-focused procurement teams & social enterprises in April

Here are the upcoming events on social procurement and sustainability in April. To get the latest events and thinking around social impact in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.

by The Social Partnership Portal

14th April - Online

Join the Meet the Buyer Event and speak with Scape, Southern Construction Frameworks, Morgan Sindall, Wates, Willmott Dixon, Kier, Seddon, Lindum, LSC and Supply Change. The construction industry needs to engage social enterprises and socially focussed suppliers on their projects, join to meet buyers and join their supply chains for more work opportunities.

🔓Creating successful corporate partnerships for social entrepreneurs By SSE 14th April - Online In this online event, a panel of SSE fellows and representatives of corporate organisations buying from social enterprises will cover how to get your foot in the door, but also how to be taken seriously by corporates so you can establish B2B trading within your own organisation. Attendees hear from the panel on a number of questions from the chair and then open it up to questions from attendees.

By Better Business Act

20th April - London

The Better Business Act wants to change the law so that it is no longer an option for business to pursue profit at the expense of workers, communities and the environment. It would transform the way Britain does business so every single company takes ownership of its social and environmental impact. It Enables businesses to make decisions in line with the long term interests of the new law, helping to create a fairer and greener future for everyone.


25th April - London A university focused collaboration conference by SE Mark CIC & Cambio exploring 'embedding social enterprise across our HEI institutions'.


Create your own social procurement event:

  • Increase understanding of social procurement in your network

  • Put buyers ‘at the table’ with social enterprise suppliers

  • Make your organisation stand out as a leader on impact


🙌🏽 Social Value

By CIOB Oxford

26th April - Oxford

Join Hill Group’s, Head of Social Value (Siân Rebourg) for an introduction to Social Value, including:

- What is social value? Background & Overview

- Social Value in Tenders

- Measurement tools & metrics

- The Future of Social Value

By Social Value Portal

27th and 28th April - London and Online

Day one: Networking day at the Church House Westminster venue in London, live streamed sessions online for those that can’t be there in-person. Day two: All online. Series of virtual breakout sessions will cover topics from embedding social value into planning, to delivering on climate justice and the zero carbon agenda. ♻️ Greening Your Supply Chains

By Anthony Collins Solicitors

27th April - Online

A session discussing how organisations can take action to address the climate and biodiversity crisis through the use of ‘green’ contractual terms and ‘greening' their procurement processes. 🖇️ Hampshire Connection Event

By The School for Social Entrepreneurs Hampshire (SSE) 27th April - Winchester

Join SSE for opportunities to network, lively discussions about change and what it means for social entrepreneurs. Sustainable Futures Group will be launched to provide grants of up to £5000 to support social enterprises and profit for purpose companies who operate circular economy models.

By OxLEP Business

28th April - Oxford

An introductory workshop to learn why impact evaluation is important, what good evaluation looks like, and how to start implementing best practices in your organisation or business.

By Jayne Graham from Society Matters CIC.

28th April - Newcastle

Five simple steps to celebrating your social impact with social entrepreneur Jayne Graham from Society Matters CIC.

This seminar is part of the Chamber Showcase at North East Expo, which will fuel your ideas about how you can dust off your CSR policy and take just 5 simple steps to really make your mark on people’s lives.


Find out more about our work to increase more spending with social businesses here To find out how to reach your sustainability targets through social procurement contact or check out our services for buyers.


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