To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.
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29 + 30 March, online by Supply Change
The Social Procurement Festival is the event that gathers leaders across the public and private sectors to learn and share best practices for social procurement and to network with decision-makers and social enterprise suppliers.
11th January, Lincoln by Greater Lincolnshire Social Economy Academy
Join this master class led by Dr. Katya Bozukova to learn:
What SROI is
What SROI is used for
What the challenges for SROI are
What your organisation can do in preparation for such an evaluation
13th January, London by Grant and Bid Writing Training for Social Enterprise and Start-ups
If you are an aspired and early-stage start-up or social enterprise join this three-part training on bid and grant writing designed to develop or evolve your fundraising skills, income generation and capacity building such as:
Tactics to find, research and pursue funding bids for social enterprise business models
How to write a key ‘golden thread’ for any bid that you want to apply for
Write solutions and stories
How to propose an evaluation framework to measure the initial proposed outcomes/impact of a program
17th January, Online by North Northants Social Enterprise Network
Join this event to learn how to weave your social media channels and messaging into your marketing strategy and business plan.
17th January, Langholm by Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway
Join this event for networking, site tour in Tarras Valley Nature Reserve in Langholm, expert speaker presentation with a focus on assets and community ownership.
18th January, Online by Work West
Join this online workshop to understand the importance of financial management for new social enterprises and find out more about:
Record keeping
Difference between CIC and Charities
Threshold for VAT and other taxes
Paying directors
Donating money at year end
Filing to Statutory bodies
18th January, Online by Social Audit Network
Join this online event to explore the role of social accounting for reporting social value, for organisational development and improvement, for the importance of accountability to stakeholders - including people and communities and a roadmap for Social Value to achieve 100% adoption across the public sector by 2032.
18th January, Online by CCS Professional Services - Events and webinars
Join this event to find out more about:
The importance of pre-market engagement and the impact on your procurement outcome
Getting the most from your procurement through effective and timely supplier engagement
How to apply social value when using a framework agreement
Identifying social value themes
Including social value at tender stage and measuring social value outputs throughout the contract duration
Connect with the perfect social suppliers

Tailored research
Innovative tech products
Extensive networks and knowledge
Supply Change makes buying from social suppliers easier, faster and more impactful.
Check out our services or arrange a chat with
19th January, Oxford by OxLEP Business
Join this event to discover why community building is important for your organisation, how to create value through community interactions, how to build a community strategy, who the stakeholders are that make up your community and how to add value to your organisation to achieve brand loyalty.
19th January, Online by New Philanthropy Capital
Join this event to hear insights from business leaders and a discussion on how businesses decide the focus of their social impact work, plan their activities and crucially measure their impact to plan what your first steps should be towards measuring your organisation’s social impact.
23rd January, Online by Social Value UK
Join this event to reflect and learn about what social value means to us right now from colleagues across the civil society. Is it still the lever for change that many of us hoped it would be - or has that moment passed? Is it still a powerful way to ensure that the wellbeing of people & planet is always taken into account when there is a decision to be made?
24th January, Location to be announced by GC Business Growth Hub
Join this event to explore how Social Value is becoming an ever-larger part of the evaluation criteria for public sector contracts and how to respond to this. The following topics will be discussed:
What is Social Value?
Legislation around Social Value
Why is it important?
Social Value strategy & policy
Social Value measurement & reporting
Best practice of Social Value in Greater Manchester
25th January, Huddersfield by The Enterprise Team
Join this event to discover how people in the field of enterprise and entrepreneurship education can, and should, adapt their work in light of the climate and ecological predicament we are in. What can Enterprise Education (EE) do about planetary sustainability?' and how to support and accelerate the economic transformations required for sustainable development to address climate change concerns through higher education?
26th January, Liverpool by Kindred
Join this event to find out how we can place greater value on the things that matter to us as a community? How do we calculate the contributions of ‘that which makes life worthwhile?’ With our world in crisis, isn’t it time we changed how we measure progress?
31st January, Online by Devon Communities Together
Join this event to explore the typical legal structures that are used by social enterprises, the advantages and disadvantages of the respective structures and the key issues for consideration when deciding on the right legal structure for your organisation or enterprise.
Find out more about our work to increase spending with social businesses here. To find out how to reach your sustainability targets through social procurement contact or check out our services for buyers.
To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.