To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.
4th July , Online by Go4Growth
This webinar is for organisations who are working or wish to work in the Public Sector and/or want to understand social value better and learn how to develop an approach to social contribution through your business.
5th July, Barking - by Barking Enterprise Centres
A workshop for local businesses on net zero, how to measure your business carbon footprint, what you need to do to make a reduction strategy.
6th July, Online - by Conscious Coliving
This free webinar is for shared living operators, who may be in the development or operational stage, and want to learn about creating, measuring, reporting and communicating social value. The webinar will provide guidance on getting started, or on refining, your impact strategy.
6th July, High Wycombe - by Martin Knowles
Join this event to network with local business owners and hear what’s happening in your local business community.
Chat with people who have taken the first steps to introduce sustainability goals in their business
Find out how your business can engage customers by being part of the green business revolution
Get your questions answered by local B Corps and sustainability advisors
7th July, Online - by Responsible Futures
The benefits of valued partnerships with your community and charity partners are rewarding to your stakeholders. This webinar looks at how you can address social, environmental and economic issues in your community.
8th July, London - by London International
Guests of this networking event include entrepreneurs, directors, company owners, investors and professionals working for medium and small-sized companies. This community gets together to support each other, share tips and knowledge, and do business together.
Create your own social procurement event:

Increase understanding of social procurement in your network
Put buyers ‘at the table’ with social enterprise suppliers
Make your organisation stand out as a leader on impact
📏 Prove it! Measuring Impact 12th July, online - by Iridescent Ideas CIC
Join Gareth Hart, Director of Iridescent Ideas CIC, for this free session all about how to measure and manage the difference you make and how to use this information to help you develop your business and earn income.
🔧 Coops as a Tool for Racial Justice 13th July, London - by Outlandish and Decolonising Economics
This workshop will explore the legacy of cooperative development as a political and economic strategy that builds a racially just economy.
18th - 19th July, Liverpool - by Social Value UK and Liverpool Business School
Two symposiums aimed at exploring and maximising the social value potential of universities and business schools.
Day 1: Universities (open to all disciplines) - 18th July
Day 2: Business education (for business schools) - 19th July
19th July, Online - by Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Local
Producing winning grant applications is all about your approach and having a clear method. Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Local has put this session together to give you practical approaches to grant writing, in order to help increase your chances of success.
20th July, online - by Action Sustainability
In this free webinar, Action Sustainability and sustainable procurement expert, Mellita D’Silva, will showcase how you can embed social value considerations into procurement.
28th July, London - by Outlandish and Economy
This session aims to answer the questions 'what are the benefits of being a coop?' and 'how can coops have a positive impact on workers, consumers, the wider economy and communities?'
Find out more about our work to increase spending with social businesses here. To find out how to reach your sustainability targets through social procurement contact or check out our services for buyers.
To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.