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Upcoming events for impact-focused procurement teams & social enterprises in March

To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.


Social Procurement Festival 2023

March 29th and 30th, online by Supply Change

The Social Procurement Festival is the event that gathers leaders across the public and private sectors to learn and share best practices for social procurement and to network with decision-makers and social enterprise suppliers.

What to expect

  • Talks from influential speakers

  • Conference-style networking

  • Practical advice and information

  • Social procurement 'meet the buyer'

  • Inspiring stories

  • Connections and actions to take your social procurement journey forward


1st March, London - by The Fashion District

Join this event and learn the tools to embed circularity in your business. Three key approaches to eliminate waste textiles which are repair, resale and redistribution will be discussed.

1st March, Online - by YMCA George Williams College (Centre for Youth Impact)

Join this speaker event and hear about findings of The Enterprise Development Programme (EDP) on:

  • The relationship between entrepreneurial activities conducted by the organisations and their impact for young people and communities they work with

  • What support organisations need to dive into social enterprise, and the impact it can potentially have on them organisationally

  • Stories around the role of social enterprise in supporting the social mobility of young people

  • Supporting young people to have their voices heard; and supporting others to recognise the skills and value that young people bring

1st March, online- by Be Ethical Training

Join this short event and explore how to engage your workforce to define, develop and build a programme of activities informed and managed by your employees by using an environmental, social and governance approach to maximise your business impact and sustainability.

2nd March, Bristol - by School for Social Entrepreneurs Dartington

Join this specialist workshop and learn about sustainability, what the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are, how to put together a sustainability action plan for your business and how to implement it across your organisation.

7th March, Londonderry - by Derry City and Strabane District Council

Join this event to explore current and future support for social enterprises, how to develop, grow and sustain your organisation, opportunities relating to funding, alternative finance and slow release equity and hear from Industry experts about their story, journey and plans to continue their fight to achieve their organisation's goals, and make a difference to the lives of the people they aim to support.

9th March, Bristol - by School for Social Entrepreneurs Dartington

Join this session to find out how you can make the impact you want and how you can use the Theory of Change model to map this out and keep your organisation on track. Discover how to use tested impact measurement model for something more dynamic and accessible and real life examples with hands-on activities to get you building your own Theory of Change.


Become a Supply Change Trusted Supplier

  • Gain visibility from new buyers

  • Get connected with commercial opportunities

  • Free access to 'Meet the buyer' events

Find out more or arrange a chat with


15th March, London - by UK Green Building Council

Join this half day course to discuss how the built environment industry can understand, measure, and communicate its social value. Learn all of the steps needed for a social value assessment, including working with stakeholders, measuring outcomes, and applying monetary values. Explore the different frameworks and tools that are available, including UKGBC’s Framework for defining social value.

15th March, London - by UEL School of Education and Communities

Join this event to discover the current debates surrounding social enterprises, their role and potential as well as their limitations. Hear from some experts on how to get a social enterprise started and where to look for funding and hear the stories of some social entrepreneurs about how and why they got started with some useful tips for new social entrepreneurs.

17th March, Online - by Education Buying

Join this webinar to find out how to include social value in your procurement, why it's important and the ways in which a supplier will add value through it.

21st March, Kirkcudbright - by Firstport

Join this event to celebrate women leading across the social enterprise sector and get involved in interactive workshops on accounting and finance, legal support and a panel of inspiring speakers.

22nd March, Online - by Devon Communities Together

Join this webinar which is designed for Devon Communities Together New Start Enterprise Support applicants to explore the typical legal structures that are used by social enterprises, the advantages and disadvantages of the respective structures and the key issues for consideration when deciding on the right legal structure for your organisation or enterprise.

23rd March, London - by Action Sustainability

Join this masterclass and learn practical hints and tips to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to develop and implement a tailored, prioritised, risk-based approach to combating modern slavery.

23rd March, Sanquhar - by Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway

Join this event which is part of a six-part exchange and learning programme on social enterprise across Dumfries and Galloway, for a site tour, expert speaker presentation and learn from a variety of social enterprise organisations.


Find out more about our work to increase spending with social businesses here. To find out how to reach your sustainability targets through social procurement contact or check out our services for buyers.


To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.


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