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Where to find support for black social entrepreneurs

To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.


An audience applaud for a young person sat among them
Photo: @ubeleinitiative on Twitter

In celebration of Black History Month and in support of the Black founders, leaders, workers and volunteers who contribute so much to the social sector, we have collated a few places where Black-led social businesses can get funding and support.

The Ubele Initiative

The Ubele Initiative is an African diaspora-led, infrastructure plus organisation, empowering Black and Minoritised communities in the UK, to act as catalysts for social and economic change. Last year they created a £50m partnership to boost National Lottery funding to Black and Minoritised community-led charities and grassroots groups. They have also partnered with Enterprise Development Programme to give support to Black and Minoritised Communities applicants.


Do It Now Now

Do It Now Now’s mission is to create a world in which every Black person has the skills, tools and resources they need to lead, influence and create the future for themselves and their community. One of its initiatives, Common Call, is a grant fund that supports Black entrepreneurs and innovators in the UK who are building businesses and charities with a social impact. The goal is to make it easier for people with lived experiences of key issues, to develop and sustain social enterprises.

Black South West Network

BSWN’s over-arching strategic intent is to build dynamic, independent, and strong Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, businesses, and organisations that are empowered to flourish while challenging systemic barriers and forging a true path for themselves. Its BSWN Social Enterprise Incubator is a £2.7 million ten-year programme to provide development support and investment to enterprises coming from or working with communities experiencing inequality in Bristol.


Free support for social enterprises

Become a Supply Change Trusted Supplier to:

  • Access socially motivated buyers

  • Promote your business

  • Access offers and opportunities to help you grow your impact and income.



BASE is a Partnership of GM BAME SE Networks, Social Enterprises and Infrastructure Organisations led by people of colour to become a strategic BAME community, empowerment and engagement tool. BASE is a platform hosting networks led by People of Colour to empower Communities of Colour and membership is free.

Photo: @BlackSWNet on Twitter


UnLtd finds, funds and supports social entrepreneurs with solutions that change our society for the better. Their support includes funding to start or scale your organisation, mentoring, workshops and other pro bono support. At least 50% of Unltd’s Awards will support social entrepreneurs who come from a disabled and/or Black, Asian or minority ethnic background.

Create Equity

Create Equity’s social mission is to make investment in the arts, social enterprise and commercial industries racially equitable. The Create Equity Fund redresses the imbalance in arts funding by supporting a new generation of BAME artists and creative entrepreneurs.


To get the latest events, resources and thinking around social impact and sustainability in business subscribe to The Social Procurement Round-Up.


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